Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blog Post #16

 Part 1:

What will be the methods of teaching I will emphasize in my classroom? – 5th Grade. As stated in my first blog post, I am, to a large extent, a fundamentalist in the sense that I will continue to implement the basic framework of our educational system. Just as in my coaching style, I find teaching the basics in a straightforward fashion is more effective for me than diluting the basics inside of games. Not every coach can teach the same way and I believe not every educator will effectively teach the same way. To large extent, the foundations of the traditional subjects, such as reading, mathematics, writing and science, will have to be taught without the ‘bells and whistles’ that technology offers. I do believe in supplementing the traditional subjects with student-driven projects that will require a student to use technology for research. But ultimately, I believe technology amplifies solid teaching foundations and will not replace those building blocks in my classroom. my first blog post #1, I discussed such courses as finance, building, automotive, and debate. I realize that the implementation of these learning centers on the scale that I imagine will not be very feasible. But diluting those grandiose ideas down to manageable and discrete projects results in a hands-on learning technique. I want to put plants into a child’s hand when teaching them the fundamentals of plant biology. I hope to continue to introduce new hands-on materials whenever I can. My learning methods will evolve as I gain new experiences in the classroom and interact with new teachers. I hope to remain open to new learning strategies as I continue to develop my classroom. 

What tools will the students and I use in my ideal classroom? — 5th Grade.
I originally wrote blog post #1 with the assumption that funds were unlimited.  In the real world, I am aware that this is not the case in most schools. I hope to introduce subjects such as finance, building, automotive, and debate with the assistance of well-designed student-driven projects, applicable field trips and a little creativity. classroom experiences are limited and I am unaware of what types of technology are available in the average 5th grade classroom.  However, many classrooms are now equipped with one or more desktop computers. Potentially, we could get lucky and have iPads that students could have access to as well. With these, along with the school library, students can have immediate access to researching tools. In addition, many schools are moving towards paperless assignments. Towards this end, I appreciate the infinite informative tools EDM310 has provided me in executing such a task. I hope I will understand enough to implement these types of school wide learning tools.

Furthermore, I believe technology in our culture will provide students the ability to research topics on their own prior to our discussions in the classroom. This strategy should give students the opportunity to teach themselves before introducing my teachings of the materials. Thereby, students will have a better understanding of the lessons being discussed. 

Technology will not only play a research role in my classroom; it will also be a tool for teaching communication skills. With the use of PowerPoint, I hope to give students the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills. Developing presentations will also create a means to teach logic. Communication in today’s world is changing. The tri-fold board with pasted written research is not adequately preparing students for the workforce any longer. In addition, being able to properly communicate via email is quickly becoming a requirement to successfully interact with people who are friends, employers, and future employers. Potentially, we could update the traditional pen pal to include emails.

Another tool that is very popular in the classroom is the SMART board.  As a future educator, I look forward to seeing, hands-on, what this tool can actually do in the classroom.  I wasn’t as impressed with the SMART board as other students in EDM310 have been. However, if it is provided to my room, then I hope to investigate how to better integrate the SMART board into our learning lessons. I can see where using the SMART board may help in building classroom excitement. This student enthusiasm could encourage student participation and aide in keeping students focused in the classroom. 

As a teacher, I will learn along with my students the new teaching/learning tools that technology will continue to offer. I firmly believe we must integrate technology into the classroom whether we like it or not.  If we deny such a powerful tool to our students, then we are holding them back from a true learning experience.  Earlier this week, I heard on the news that our nation’s test scores have been stagnant at a mediocrity level for several years. This information presents a daunting task for new educators. I hope that with some old school techniques integrated with the powers of technology, I will be successful at being a part of changing that statistic.  Nothing is off-limits in my classroom.

Part 2:

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blog Post #15

by Brantley Spillman

For my post, I began by watching videos C and D from the Blog Post 15 Instructions.  Video C was entitled “Teaching Math to the Blind,  and video D was entitled “iPad Usage for the Blind”. Both videos introduced teaching materials that were new to me and required some additional research for a full understanding of these materials. 

The first video, “Teaching Math to the Blind”, was produced by Professor Art Karshmer. Professor Karshmer is the Department Chair of Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at the University of San Francisco.  In this video, Professor Karshmer introduces a tool that can help blind students see math in two dimensions as seeing students visualize math.  In the past, blind students could only use Braille to read math problems. This method places mathematical problems in a one-dimensional line for interpretation. For example,
Braille                        New Tool
One-Dimension             Two-Dimension
                                    2+2=4                   +2
                                                  4 students have created a new tool that uses a block system allowing blind students to set up a math problem in the more tangible two-dimensional form.  Blind students no longer have to solve math problems in a linear setup.  As stated in the video, this type of device will help blind students understand math at an earlier age.  Thus, providing a foundation for later math studies and providing the proper tools for learning basic algebra. second video, “iPad Usage for the Blind”, highlighted the abilities that an iPad offers for the blind user.  Its program, voiceover, allows individuals who are blind to navigate their way through his or her iPad. The program voices the application as a user’s finger grazes over the App icon on the home screen.  In the past, our blind community was limited to what tools they could use, such as braille.  With the emergence of computers and related technologies, visually impaired individuals have struggled to maintain an understanding with these limited resources.  Luckily, additional complementary technologies offered today allow the blind the opportunity to enjoy the same computer tools that seeing people enjoy.  Before this video, I was unaware of the iPad’s and iPhone’s ability to provide such a useful tool for individuals with visual disabilities.

Additional Resources:

A cumulative list of Online Resources for Teaching the Blind

A list of useful software programs and their websites.

Screen Readers: "Screen reading software reads aloud on the screens. It includes text, pull-down menus, icons, dialog boxes, and web pages. Screen readers run parallel with the computer's operating system and applications." (JAWS, Windows-Eyes, and ZoomText)
Scan/Read Systems: "Scan/read systems combine software and a flatbed scanner to read aloud any printed text.   Textbook pages, in class handouts, and tests can be scanned in and then read aloud by the computer."(Kurzweil 1000 , OpenBook)
Portable Notetakers: " Portable notetakers provide speech output without a visual display and can be connected to printers and computers for printing and uploading text.   Braille keyboards and refreshable Braille displays are available for Braille users." (Braille Lite Series, Braille ‘n Speak, BrailleNote)

3. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
The Standards for teaching the blind math concepts using Tactile Graphics.

What are tactile graphics?
"Tactile graphics deliver information through touch. They usually come with Braille textbooks to show content in maps, charts, layouts, diagrams, and images of geometric figures. Tactile graphics are usually made by hand (Braille transcribers) as part of book production. In some scenarios, the creation of these graphics is implemented by automatic processes using a variety of software applications. Some methods used to create such graphics are described below."
  • "A hand-tooling method produces a raised image on paper or aluminum diagramming foil. Specially-designed tools hand-emboss raised lines and textures. A Thermoform device creates several copies produced by this method."
  • "A partially-automated method prints computer generated graphics onto capsule or paper(swell paper), which causes the lines to rise when the paper is sent through a special heating machine. In this process, the black portions of the copy swell outward to form a raised line (tactile graphic)."
  • "Some Braille embossers are equipped with a graphics mode that can be used for producing tactile graphics, although additional software may be required to use this process. There are also specialized Braille printers, like the Tiger series by ViewPlus, which are specifically designed to create tactile graphics in addition to standard Braille."
  • "The University of Washington's Tactile Graphics Project provides a variety of sources designed to improve access to mathematics, engineering, and science information from graphical images by students who are blind. One helpful application is the Tactile Graphics Assistant which, when combined with regular software applications, enables the quick translation of visual graphics to a tactile form."
  • "A valuable resource for creating tactile graphics is the Tactile Diagram Manual produced by Purdue University. This downloadable manual is for educators who need to convert science and math diagrams into tactile graphics."

by Hilary Thames

Video A - Watch Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired Children

Video B - The Mountbatten

When I was a senior in highschool, I had the privilege of working with students with special needs through being a teacher's aid. This was definitely an eye opening experience, and I would have to say it taught me more than any class ever could! While working with these students, we had to teach in ways that were not used in regular classrooms. Its not that special needs students cannot learn, they just learn in ways that differ from other students. One great Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired Children makes is that learning needs to be personal. Every student, whether they have a special need or not, learns differently. One great way for teaching the vision impaired is through podcasts, like we learned about earlier this semester from a group of kindergartners. Through these podcasts, students would not only be able to use them during school, but they would also be able to access them at home as well. Having devices like the braille writer talked about in The Mountbatten provides students with special needs the ability to be engaged in regular classroom activities just as any other student.

by Haley Smith

appsineducation.blogspot.comFor this blog post, I began the assignment by looking at E and F from the instruction list for blog assignment 15. For section E, I watched a video regarding how blind people are able to access the iPad and use it effectively. I really enjoyed this video. The question for many is how someone that is blind can use something that has no buttons or grooves. That question is answered in this video demonstration. It goes into detail such as the direction that you need to move your fingers, how many fingers to use, how to “turn the knob”, how to type if you can’t see the keyboard, and so much more. The only problem I had with this video is that it didn’t tell you how to put it in the mode where it will read everything or the gadgets will work. It just started the video demonstrating how to use it. This video was very helpful in regards to how to handle using the iPad if I would happen to have a blind student.

phillipsashleyedm310.blogspot.comSection F was really interesting. This was a collection of 50 blogs that have been collected that focus on special needs in children and adults whether in the classroom or in daily lives of these people.  Although I looked at many of the blogs, I primarily want to focus on four – numbers 17, 22, 30, and 46. Blog number 17 was titled Teaching All Students. This blog focused on different apps that an educator can use for special education. My favorite part of the blog was that it gave the different apps that were either free or apps that you need to purchase. It also gives reviews of the apps that are great for the special needs students. Blog number 22 was titled Barto’s World. This blog focused primarily on Dyslexia and ADHD. These are two of the most common disabilities in children in school. This blog helps teachers with students with these disabilities and teaches them how to handle it in the classroom. This blog also gives teachers the resources that will help them understand what is needed to do. My favorite part of this blog is that they didn’t refer to students with disabilities as “creative thinkers”. This takes the part where students with disabilities feel abnormal away. Blog 30 was titled ADDitude: Linving Well with Attention Deficit. This blog had to be my favorite blog of the list of 50 blogs on the list. I loved this blog because it had different blogs and different points of view from people who are influenced by ADD. There is a section for parents that have children with ADD, adults who live with ADD, and experts that study ADD. This blog also gives resources on how to parent children with ADD, treatment for it, and a way to get the newsletter for ADD. The final blog that I looked at was number 46. This blog was titled Children with Special Needs. This blog focuses on things to do for children with special needs for holidays and other special occasions. This is also a site that explains what special needs are. There is one final part that I loved about this blog was it gave stories about children with special needs whether they are happy, sad, or hopeful. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Project #12 Part B SmartBoard

C4K Summary for November

My first student to comment on in November was on Vaifoa's blog. Vaifoa is in sixth grade at Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand.  This student wrote a very detailed story about being alone and entering a cabin where there was blood everywhere.  I assumed this was not true.  However, I did ask in my comment if it was, in fact, a real experience he had encountered.  Here was my comment below: Vaifoa, my name is Brantley Spillman. I am a student at the University of South Alabama.  Throughout this semester, I have commented on several students’ blogs throughout the world, although, you are the third student from the Pt. England School that I have commented upon.  I loved the story you wrote! Your writings created a really vivid image.  Is this a true story?  If so, then I am not sure I would have entered the cabin.  I can see you really enjoyed your writing assignment. Continue to keep up the good work.  Thanks for sharing your post.

My second assignment was to comment on an entire class’s blog.  For this lesson, I was assigned to Ms. George’s first grade class, also at Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand.  I was initially disappointed, but quickly realized that these were first graders.  I often ask myself if blogging is beneficial or appropriate at younger ages?  The class’s blog title was “Big Shells and Little Shells.”  Here was my response below: Hey guys! My name is Brantley Spillman.  I am also a student at University of South Alabama.  I have enjoyed reading your school’s blogs throughout this semester.  I, also, live on the water, although, I rarely find pretty seashells like the ones you have shown.  However, I do catch lots of fish.  I really enjoy fishing in my free time. I hope you all continue to embrace the outdoors. Exploring nature was one of my favorite things to do as a child. I am glad to see you all enjoy it as well.  Good luck with your remaining school year. 

I believe I will remember the Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand the most when I recall commenting on student blogs. This school seems to have a relatively progressive mindset when it comes to blog use in the classroom. I appreciated seeing how it could be used at several grade levels.  Additionally, I have enjoyed getting a glimpse of how students interact with others throughout the world.  Seeing examples like this allows for future educators to gain a clear picture so as to prepare for his or her future classroom and technology implementation. 

Project # 2: PLN Final Summary

My PLN is a work in progress and involves the development of many personal relationships with educators in the local area. Because my PLN involves personal connections, I will keep the names of my contacts private to respect their privacy online. However, I will provide details of some of the information that these selected individuals have supplied me in my ongoing search and development of my PLN. Each of the contacts I will discuss are at three different local elementary schools so I can gain a diverse and representative group of educators to offer advise and guidance as I pursue my education degree.

Firstly, I have recently spoken in depth with a current principal of a local elementary school.  He and I have discussed many issues currently ongoing in the present educational system such as the implementing the common core, attempting new math teaching strategies, teacher training in new techniques and good methods for concerned parent interactions.  He has expressed both concerns and strategies to facilitate where education is heading.  Like many current educators, he is on board with technology and everything it has to offer in a classroom.  This particular principal is an enthusiastic educator and I love that he is always willing to voice his opinions.  Connections like this are rare and I am appreciative to have this connection and friendship.  I will stay in touch with this educator for future recommendations along with any future questions that may arise.

Secondly, I have visited my son’s kindergarten class on several occasions and had a number of meetings with both his teacher and principal. These interactions allow me to continue to gather ideas and strategies on how to approach my classroom.  My son’s teacher has been kind enough to show me what a teacher deals with on a day to day basis: the discipline issues, integrating the latest education theory, and implementing SMARTboard lesson plans, iPads and Computer stations when doing learning stations. By visiting my son’s school, I have been able to see how basic operations are implemented within the walls of a school.

Finally, another connection of mine that has been a long-term inspiration for me due to her enthusiasm and commitment to the betterment of her special education classroom at a another local elementary school.  I have now known this teacher for three years.  She has allowed me to visit her classroom and I have listened to many stories on the difficulties teachers can face when teaching special needs.  She is very dedicated and I know I will continue to ask her for advice even when I have my own classroom. This teacher never stops searching for the newest and latest practices to implement new learning and coping strategies. Her knowledge is diverse and expansive. Additionally, she has many connections within the area and had introduced me to many other educators here in Baldwin County. 

I will continue to build my learning network of educators throughout my educational journey.  Being well connected is important in every field.  We must always look for peers that can provide us with ideas that only come with experience. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

C4T Summary

Jerid W. Kruse is a professor at Drake University.  Mr. Kruse provides great questions within his blog for future educators to ask themselves.  My first comment was in regards to his post titled, “Teacher Education Starts in Kindergarten”.  Here was my comment:

Mr. Kruse, my name is Brantley Spillman.  I am currently enrolled at the University of South Alabama and majoring in Education.  I have enjoyed reading your blog.  I am also a latecomer to education and am seeking tangible advice on how to be an effective teacher. Your questions posed in the post are provoking and require some thought. Anytime a teacher is stepping back to reflect on how they are communicating with their students is beneficial. I think your inspirational words are a good foundation to establish my personal strategy to teaching. I look forward to future post.

His second post was titled “Critical Curiosity”.  I enjoyed this read because I have doubted technology’s actual purpose in the classroom many times this semester.  He asked the question, “Can technology actually reduce the intellectual level of the classroom?”  I wanted to attack this question, however, I do not feel have enough experience to honestly answer such a question.  Below, is my comment that I left for Mr. Kruse on this particular post:

Throughout this semester I have been introduced to technology that is completely new to me.  These technologies have also, at times, led me to doubt different aspects of what it really has to offer.  However, as you have stated, technology is critical in the sense that it is here and it will only continue to evolve within all classrooms.  Thus, it is up to us, as educators, to find a happy medium that we can implement and feel comfortable with so that we can use that technology without using it as a crutch. 

This final C4T for this semester was interesting and enjoyable to read.  I like how he asked questions rather than stating personal opinions.  This approach, on many levels, allows individuals to think for themselves and not blindly agree or disagree.  I have enjoyed all C4T assignments assigned in EDM 310.  I look forward to following these educators throughout my educational journey.

Blog Post #14

Create Blog Post Assignment, write instructions and then do it!

Blog Assignment: Describe your concerns with any of the technology you have learned in EDM310.

Instructions: Discuss, if any, concerns for the fast pace implementation of technology into the classroom.

Neil Postman, College Lecture Series (1:25:12)

My Interpretation: 
Education is changing and moving forward into the technology realm whether, we as educators, like it or not.  We must embrace this change, however, this does not mean we have to get lost “behind the screen”.  One of the first videos we watched this semester was a lecture given by Dr. Sugata Mitra.  Dr. Mitra introduced the proposal in which teachers have become obsolete in the presence of computer access.  Yes, a computer has endless opportunities for students to educate themselves.  However, I believe only an educator can teach a deeper understanding of that information generated from more knowledge and experiences that a child does not possess.  I am concerned teachers will find it easy to lead by using technology but in the process create a crutch that debilitates their teaching capabilities. We do not need educators using technology because it is easy, we need educators to use technology as a final tool to educate our students because it is beneficial to his or her complete understanding of a specific subject after an educator has relied on his or her own teaching abilities to TEACH the topic. 

Dr. Postman explains that, “the brain is to a technology as the mind is to a medium.” Technology doesn’t have to be inherently bad or good. Again, as I’ve stated in previous blog posts, I believe that technology can amplify an already good teacher but can also be thoughtless and useless to an already bad teacher. The barrage of information that today’s students receive can be shallow and without roots. This creates a student without the necessary depth to really understand a particular subject. It is the educator that needs to provide directive in how to gain roots and true understanding that a wikipedia or even iCurio search will not supply.

I was first introduced to blogging this semester in EDM310.  At first, I blindly jumped on board with this new technological tool.  However, about halfway through the semester, I started thinking is wondered whether this tool was as important as people have suggested?  Initially, my concern was of privacy.  I have heard several parents voicing their concerns in their children participating in a class blog. Additionally, I was concerned about allowing the public to have access to my thoughts, my family, and my interests. They are personal and I prefer them to be personal. Maybe if more people kept their personal thoughts to themselves…there would be less “cyber-bullying” and “pedophilic cyber-stalking”. Social medias allow for a kind of boldness that was less prevalent when relationships and conversations relied on a face-to-face conversation. This argues against the benefits of social medias in the classroom as a learning tool. Additionally, I am unclear as to an appropriate age in which kids really benefit from blogging.  I understand it is “cool” that someone from the other side of the world read your blog but is that the end of their learning. If so, then I believe I may rely on a different technique to integrate “cool” into my classroom and generate a greater learning tool.  Interpersonal face-to-face relationships have equal capacity to generate a “cool” factor. How many people recall meeting their idol? How many can remember every word said by that individual? Why wouldn’t I attempt to capture this experience rather than a child’s favorite cartoon?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog Post 13: 3 of Sir Ken Robinson's Top Ten Lectures

by Brantley Spillman           

I recommend this video to everyone. Ms. Ntaiya’s determination and personal experiences were truly inspiring to me. Hearing her life’s story from her own mouth made more of an impact than if I had simply read her story. I will give technology props for giving me that opportunity. In addition, if I could choose to work with another teacher’s class “collaboratively” with my own class, this would be my pick

Ms. Ntaiya is a native of Kenya who rose against traditional values and found true joy in learning.  Her background triggered memories of when I lived with a student from Kenya, from Uganda, and from Angola. All four of us were housed at the same time in a single college dorm room.  I was only 19 years old from a small town in southern Georgia. I immediately respected the “African” culture. Each of their stories made me realize what privilege and freedoms I had been raised with, even with my working class parents. 
Fortunately, Ms. Ntaiya was able to leave her hometown to pursue more education in America. Her determination was single-minded. One example is when she spoke of undergoing the tradition of “genital mutilation” (female circumcision) so as to return to her local school. With any society or culture, there will be people who want change and/or equality for local traditions or status quos. However, like most situations, it is easier said than done.

I believe this video was, by far, the most touching for me to watch this semester.  Although, I have said this before after watching Randy Pausch’s last lecture, I stand corrected.  I hope my children have this determination when attacking obstacles in their lives. When teaching students how to appreciate their own freedoms and applying determination to obstacles, interviews/lectures of firsthand experiences, like this, can offer a strong learning impact that I can appreciate technology offers.  Although, for an even larger impact, it would be amazing to have Ms. Ntaiya come to speak in my classroom so as my students can ask questions and generate meaningful discussion.

As a spoiled culture, we should learn from stories of this nature.  Life is short, fight for what you believe.  In the end, we can only hope people remember what footprints we leave behind.  Ms Ntaiya has left an influential footprint for both her own culture and ours, here in America.  She will be remembered as a hero for not only women, but for every individual that has challenged the norm in any way. 

by Haley Smith

When I was looking to see what video I wanted, my attention immediately turned to number eight, Shane Koyczan’s video, “To This Day...for the Bullied and Beautiful”. Bullying is something that has always been there but, lately, the bully victims and bully numbers have grown. This video not only covered bullying; it also covered goals and future aspirations that all of us have or have had at one time. We are asked, constantly, as kids and, even now, as adults in college what we wanted or want to be when we “grow up”. Something that Mr. Koyczan mentioned is that it is an unfair question. The reason: it presupposes that we can’t be what we already are. Why couldn’t I just stay Haley growing up? Why do we always have to think of something to become. Another issue with this question is that, so often, we don’t give the people that ask us the answer they want. If a teacher asks us, we are told to “be more realistic” or “that is a stupid answer” or even “you won’t ever become that”. In order to please everyone around us in what we want to be, we have to become someone we are not. The way that Shane put it was, we must sacrifice what we are to inherit the masquerade of what we will be. Our dreams are something that are so important to us, but there are some people that will easily drop our dreams and dismiss them like they are the worst possible thing on earth. Why are our dreams so easy to dismiss? Why do our dreams get called silly or foolish or impossible? In a way, the manner in which our dreams, goals, and hopes are treated, it is bullying. Calling someone stupid due to a dream of being an astronaut is mean and selfish. There is nothing nice about tearing down someone’s dreams.

Bullying is something that can be found everywhere. Public school and private school have issues with bullying. Everyone knows the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. That is WRONG! Words hurt more than anything. Bones and bruises heal, but words stick  to your being until you decide it is time to let go. Even then, the remains are still buried in your body and mind. Each school has an arsenal of nicknames that only get bigger and bigger: stupid, spaz, dork. Kids are being called all sorts of names every day at school. I loved what Shane said about beauty. He said, “If you don’t see anything beautiful about yourself, get a new mirror. Stare a little longer because there is something inside you that made you keep going despite everyone trying to tell you to quit. Put a cast on your broken heart, sign it, and say ‘THEY WERE WRONG’.” In school, we always cheer for the underdog. The one that isn’t so great at basketball or football. When one of the underdogs makes the winning basket or the winning touchdown, we cheer and go crazy because they tried their hardest. Why do we cheer for the underdog? ...because we can relate to him or her. We see ourselves in them. We are more than a car abandoned sitting on empty. We are people. We must not judge ourselves by the pain we suffer but by the beauty in us.

by Hilary Thames 

It’s funny to think that in this video, Teach Arts and Sciences Together, this speech was given, by Mrs. Mae Jemison, over ten years ago, because every bit of what she said goes along with what is happening in today’s time as well. We, as educators, tend to have an attitude of, “whatever happens, happens,” just as Jemison mentions. In addition, she used a great quote from Lewis Carrol, “If you don’t much care where you want to get, then it doesn’t much matter which way you go” that sums up this attitude. That’s the problem with today’s education system, we have too many educators who don't care about what happens, or which way they get there. With this quote, Mrs. Jamison  begins to speak on  her topic of revitalizing arts and sciences.
Our generation has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. From the shift of the farming age to the industrial age, our generation has taken a leap into an information age. We want all the information we can obtain, and we want it now! Just think about it, two to three seconds tops to pull up the news on your smartphone. Information generation students in our current school systems are thriving for knowledge. With closed minds running their classrooms, they are not allowed access to all that an open minded person wants. Creativity is the key to opening our students' minds. Stressing arts and sciences pushes open the doors of each student’s mind. With subjects, such as math and history, a student’s mind is not allowed fully opened opportunities, they simply call for a student to memorize and recall facts and equations. However, arts and sciences gives way for students to place thinking caps on their heads and to be creative, thinking for themselves. Mrs. Jemison uses another great quote from Albert Einstein, “The most beautiful thing we can experience, the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science,” to further this idea. When children begin to experience mystery, their eyes are opened to a whole new world.